World's Largest Youth Network
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Core Programme

NYKS Core Programmes - 2019-20

Theme Based Awareness and Education Programme


Duration : 1 day each

Time Line : 2nd and 3rd Quarter

No. of participants/Beneficiaries : 80 per programme with participation of youth leaders from the Block. 2-3 representatives from each youth club (President and Secretary of youth club or any other representative as the club may decide) shall participate in the programme.

Type of Activities to be undertaken : Preparation of resource material, Lectures by subject experts, discussions and debate on the mentioned subject, question answers session, best practices: telling stories

No. of Programmes: Based on the number of Blocks in the district as per criteria given in the following Table:

Category No. of Programmes per District @                   Rs. 15,000/- per centre Amount  (in Rs.) No. of Participants to be covered     @ minimum 80 per Prog.
Districts with 1-3 Blocks  1 1500080
Districts with 4-5 Blocks 2 30000160
Districts with 6-10 Blocks 4 60000 320
Districts with 11-15 Blocks 6 90000 480
Districts with 16 & above Blocks 7 105000560

Focus Areas to be covered during the programme:

Implementation Strategy

Coordination and Mobilizing support

Resource Persons and I.E.C

Budget per programme

Budget per programme

HeadRate (in Rs.)Amount (in Rs.)
Boarding and Lodging@Rs. 100/- per head for 80 participants (100X80)8,000
Honorarium to resource persons and resource material 4,000
Organizational Expenses

Banners, Photography, etc.


Total 15000